About competition

This international language competition for English language is aimed at students of secondary schools in the Pilsen region, and their foreign partner schools. Participants may be final year and penultimate year students before school leaving exams.


max. 60 pupils, in teams (secondary schools in the Pilsen region, and their foreign partner schools)


10th December 2019 – 31st January 2020


online over the course of 4 weeks (new tasks each week) throughout February and March 2020


Planet Earth

During the month of Feburary, a lecturer from UWB will arrive at the registered school, who will pass on the access data to the students, and explain how the competition will run. Access data will be anonymized, each school will have its own course in LMS Moodle. All of the pupils of the entered class will participate in the competition. Starting every Monday in February, it will be possible to complete the tests of the respective round during the week, at a predetermined time.  Each registered class will report in advance the exact time when the tests will be completed, and the tests will be made available for that time. Participation is possible via a computer, tablet, or a smartphone. The activity takes no more than 15 minutes of lesson time. A time limit will be set for the test.